Mi potete fare una descrizione dettagliata di un ragazzo ( tra i 12 e 15 anni) in inglese?
2009-06-15 04:29:20 UTC
seguendo questo traccia: yourself , ask him..I like ..agggiungete (se potete) I don't like/I can/My
Grazie anticipamente...però vi raccomando deve essere molto dettagliata....molti Graziiiiieee....
Una risposta:
2009-06-15 07:41:20 UTC
My name is Jack and my surname's Colker,I have short brown hair with meshes and blue eyes,I have a thin lips and a pretty and small nose. My teeth are always white because I wash it everyday.

I am very clean I washed myself five days a week I use camomilla shampoo because I would like have blond hair.

My favourite singer is Hilary Duff(poi te metti ke ti pare) I love her sweet scratching and sensual voice, but I don't like Dari a very stupid band!

I can dance very well, of course i've attended a prestigious school and I'm not vain! I know my limits very well. I can draw too, i love drawing I often try to draw myself or my sister Diana.

But I can't do it it's very difficult,so I draw animals and angels.

I can't do the baby sitting I'm not very patient and luckily i haven't a little brother or sister, Diana is six years older than me and she always says I'm noisy and stupid. We have the same character. I some times ask her to play with voideogames together she always accept. ERA COSI XKè NN HO BEN CAPITO KE VUOI!!!

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